Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Rejection Dejection

This week WebsterGotts' dreams went down in flames. They discovered that they had been turned down for yet another exhibition proposal.

Perhaps this indicates that they should stop making such appalling and childish 'artwork'.

Your comments please....


Dan said...

My comment is that you should stop making such appalling and childish "artwork".

Nice music though. I was in tears by the end.

clashion said...

Great music! However,the Hixxy, Breeze & Tech Itch remix is a must-have. Such melancholic happy deathcore can make all the difference.

Oh, and keep up the good work. The blogspot is a well thumbed bookmark on my digital interweb browser :)

Ana Milgram said...

You must secretly love it when you get rejected, knowing you can make another excellent video about it.

The trouble is, if you keep doing work as good as that on the blog, you'll start getting courted by the art big shots and won't be able to do stuff about failure...

ah, well, you can do videos about rolling in money and laughing.

Anonymous said...

Oh shame, their loss!

No, you shouldn't stop making silly stuff.

But you might find you have success acting in soaps.....

love, mumsie xx

PS great music

Anonymous said...

can we have some more now please?