As you can see from the above images, Webster's facial fuzz is well on the way to becoming a genuine beard. The growth is thick, and the russet colour gives it strength and meaning. However, the rate of growth is a little slow, but the wait will be worth it for a luxurious, full-bodied face rug.

Gotts's beard is rather different. Although the speed at which the hair is racing form the skin is great, it is also sporadic. This gives the effect of a straggly beard that lacks colour, depth and motivation. But from a distance, the overall look is becoming impressive, and it can only improve with time.
Both Webster and Gotts are now beginning to experience the 'Moustache curl-back', where the hair of the upper lip grows to such a length that it curls back into the lip, occasionally causing mild discomfort. This is nowhere near as serious as, say, a rabbit's ingrowing tooth. Both artists have decided to go along the route of non-tash-trimming, to instead perform a 'side-sweep' action that will hopefully encourage the hair to direct itself sideways, across the lip, resulting in a fine example of a moustache. It is possible that moustache wax will soon be required.
As far as problems go, the main setbacks appear to be the eating of breakfast cereals. Webster has reported a 'slopping of milk' around his face-garden. This very morning, Gotts almost left the house with a blob of porridge stuck to his hair-bib. Pastries are also becoming an issue.